Non-Surgical Face Latisse®

For many people, mascara is a daily must before going anywhere. Thick, lush lashes are commonly sought after, and makeup only goes so far. Some people feel frustrated with eyelashes that are naturally thin and light. Others find that their eyelashes become thinner with age. For those with inadequate eyelashes or age-related hair loss, Latisse® can help give you beautiful lashes with or without mascara.

What is Latisse®?

Latisse® is an FDA-approved eyelash serum that promotes healthy hair growth. The active ingredient, bimatoprost, is a compound that binds receptors in the hair follicle and is derived from fatty acid. Bimatoprost encourages your lashes to grow longer, thicker, and darker.

The medical term for insufficient eyelashes is hypotrichosis, and Latisse® is the only FDA-approved treatment for this condition. People may have naturally scant eyelashes or experience hypotrichosis due to illness, stress, or age. 

The bimatoprost in Latisse® mimics prostaglandin, the natural chemical in your body that stimulates hair growth for eyelashes. By encouraging hair growth, Latisse® can strengthen and thicken your eyelashes or restore lost lashes.

Latisse Non-Surgical Treatment Guilford

Frequently Asked Questions

Latisse® is a prescription medication and one of the multiple medical-grade products we offer for healthy skin and hair. As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Langdon can evaluate your eyelashes and determine if Latisse® is right for you. Latisse® is a serum that you apply daily with an eyeliner-like brush to the roots of your eyelashes. 

Because Latisse® should be applied when your skin is clean and makeup-free, we recommend making it part of your nighttime routine. You’ll need to remove contact lenses before applying the serum. Latisse® comes in a dropper bottle with single-use applicator brushes. Simply put a drop or two on the brush and sweep it over the roots of your upper eyelashes, similar to applying eyeliner. 

Latisse® is a safe, FDA-approved product with minimal side effects. Dr. Langdon will give you instructions on how to properly use Latisse® to avoid any side effects. 

Occasionally, Latisse® can cause redness in the skin because of increased blood flow. So long as this doesn’t cause itching or irritation, this side effect is harmless. The skin may also darken slightly where Latisse® is applied. To avoid this, only use a drop or two of the product and wipe off any excess with a tissue. Applying more of the serum or using it more often than directed will not increase its effectiveness.

The bimatoprost serum of Latisse® was originally designed as an eye drop medication for glaucoma. Consequently, getting Latisse® in your eyes isn’t harmful but can cause irritation, so try to avoid this. Be sure to use a different applicator brush for each eye and discard them after a single use to avoid contamination.

Most people start seeing improvements within a few weeks and optimal results in two to four months. The growth cycle of your eyelashes takes about two months, so this is when you can expect full results. If you miss a dose occasionally, you can continue your daily applications without much effect on the results. Don’t apply extra Latisse® to make up for a missed application. 

With patience and consistency, you’ll soon see thicker, healthier lashes. Latisse® isn’t permanent; if you stop using it, your eyelashes will likely return to normal. Once you achieve your desired results, you may be able to use the serum less frequently to maintain them. 

If you have naturally short, thin eyelashes, or if you’ve lost lashes from age, illness, or stress, you may benefit from Latisse®. Latisse® is not recommended if you have sensitive skin or eyes, have certain eye conditions, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. During a detailed consultation, Dr. Langdon will help you determine if Latisse® is right for you.

Because Latisse® can stimulate hair growth wherever it’s applied, it’s sometimes used to grow thicker eyebrows or improve a thinning hairline. However, it is only FDA-approved for use on the eyelashes. You can also ask Dr. Langdon about our hair restoration treatments, such as PRP injections or an FUE hair transplant.

Take the next step.

To learn more about Latisse® or to schedule your consultation with Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Langdon, please fill out the form on this page or call The Langdon Center at (203)453-8625. We look forward to working with you! The Langdon Center serves patients in the Guilford & New Haven, CT areas.

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