Surgical Skin & Hair Renuvion®

It can be frustrating to have loose skin on your abdomen, flanks, thighs, arms, or other areas of your body. The good news is that the Langdon Center offers cutting-edge, minimally-invasive skin-tightening treatments that can improve these problem areas. Renuvion® can tighten your skin without damaging your surrounding tissues and give you a beautiful, toned look.

What is Renuvion®?

Renuvion® is an FDA-cleared skin tightening device used for contouring and facial rejuvenation. It works by turning helium gas and radiofrequency waves into a precise stream of energy known as plasma. The combination of RF and helium plasma energy produces better results than either treatment alone, allowing for greater precision and less damage to the surrounding tissues.

The innovative Renuvion® technology can rejuvenate and enhance your appearance in multiple ways by tightening the skin. Renuvion® can effectively treat signs of aging like wrinkles and skin laxity on the face and neck, restoring a smooth complexion and more youthful contours. It can also be used to tone and sculpt the body by tightening loose, flabby skin.

Some of the concerns Renuvion® can treat include:

  • Wrinkles and lines on the face, neck, and body
  • Skin laxity
  • Jowls and submental fullness (double chin)
  • Loose, sagging skin from pregnancy, weight loss, or age
Renuvion Guilford

Frequently Asked Questions

Renuvion® is a versatile and customizable treatment, allowing you to treat multiple cosmetic concerns almost anywhere on the body. Dr. Langdon will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

The first step of your procedure will be numbing the treatment area with a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort. Then, Dr. Langdon will make a small skin incision to place the Renuvion® electrode under your skin. Radiofrequency energy is then guided by a helium gas-generated plasma to sub-dermal fibrous tissue, which specifically contracts to tighten the overlying skin. This process typically takes about an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area.

We often pair Renuvion® with liposuction to increase skin tightening. If you are concerned about jowls, a double chin, and sagging or fullness around your neck and jaw, Dr. Langdon may recommend a SmartLyft with Renuvion®.

Because Renuvion® is a minimally invasive treatment, it requires very little downtime. You can return to work and your daily activities shortly after your treatment. Although some mild discomfort should be expected, it is short-lived and can be managed with an over-the-counter pain reliever. You don’t have to worry about large incisions or obvious scars because the skin incisions Dr. Langdon makes are small and generally do not require a stitch.

Dr. Langdon will give you instructions for your specific procedure on aftercare and what to expect. Keep in mind that if you have Renuvion® paired with liposuction, recovery may take longer. Patients may need to take approximately one week off of work after Renuvion® with liposuction or a SmartLyft. You can expect mild swelling, bruising, and soreness in the treatment area during this time.

After a Renuvion® treatment, you can enjoy tighter skin and a more toned appearance. Renuvion®, especially when paired with liposuction, offers a minimally invasive alternative to major surgical procedures like a tummy tuck or arm lift. You can resolve a flabby, drooping appearance almost anywhere on the body that makes you feel self-conscious.

Although most patients enjoy results shortly after Renuvion®, it may take some time for swelling to fade completely, and full results may not be apparent for a few weeks. These results will continue to improve for several months as your skin produces new collagen, and the benefits of Renuvion® often last years. The best way to preserve your results is by following a healthy lifestyle and properly caring for your skin.

Renuvion® is ideal for men and women who are in generally good health yet are concerned about mild to moderate loose skin on various areas of their body. It is a particularly good option if you’d like to tighten your skin after pregnancy or substantial weight loss. During a detailed consultation, Dr. Langdon will discuss your goals and concerns to help you determine if Renuvion® is right for you.

Take the next step.

To learn more about Renuvion® or to schedule your consultation with Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Langdon, please fill out the form on this page or call The Langdon Center at (203) 453-8625. We look forward to working with you! The Langdon Center serves patients in the Guilford & New Haven, CT areas.

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