How Can I Remove Bags Under My Eyes Permanently?

September 10, 2022

If you have puffy bags under your eyes, you may have tried a range of eye treatments and other products to get rid of them. These bags occur as a result of bulging under-eye fat. The best way to remove these under-eye bags is a blepharoplasty or eyelid lift. 

What Causes Under-eye Bags?

The skin and muscles around the eyes can become looser and start to droop as you age. In the undereye area, pads of fat start to bulge under the skin. This fat gives the appearance of under-eye bags or puffiness. These bulges can make you look tired even with plenty of sleep. Loss of volume from the cheeks can make these bags even more noticeable. Fortunately, Dr. Langdon and his team can help you get rid of these puffy bags for good. 

Blepharoplasty guilford

*Individual Results May Vary

How Can I Remove Bags Under My Eyes Permanently?

Although under-eye creams and treatments might temporarily reduce the appearance of under-eye bags, they will not provide a permanent solution. A blepharoplasty or eyelid lift corrects signs of aging around the eye area. A lower eyelid lift will remove excess  bulging under-eye fat  so that your under-eye area looks firmer, smoother, and more youthful. You can pair it with an upper eyelid lift for total rejuvenation of the eye area. 

How Does an Eyelid Lift Work?

Dr. Langdon performs blepharoplasty or eyelid lift procedures at the Langdon Center. Instead of a scalpel, he uses a CO2 laser to make incisions. This laser has several benefits over traditional methods. The laser closes blood vessels as it works, minimizing bleeding and bruising. It allows you to return to your normal appearance and activities more quickly after the procedure. For a lower eyelid lift, Dr. Langdon makes a small hidden incision and removes excess fat without the need for stitches. 

Should I Have an Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift?

If your primary eye concern is under-eye puffiness, you may only need a lower eyelid lift. However, many people who have under-eye bags also have sagging or wrinkling of the upper eyelids. Combining an upper and lower blepharoplasty can restore the entire eye area to an alert, youthful brightness. 

Eyelid Lift Consultations Available

If you have further questions about an eyelid lift, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at The Langdon Center in Guilford, CT. Call us at 203-453-8625 or fill out our convenient online contact form.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Blepharoplasty?

You might be a good candidate for blepharoplasty if you have noticeable signs of aging around the eye area. Ideal candidates for a lower eyelid lift want to address puffiness and under-eye bags. We recommend that candidates have no significant health issues and not be pregnant or breastfeeding. 

What is Recovery Like From an Eyelid Lift?

Because Dr. Langdon uses a laser instead of a scalpel, you can expect a much quicker recovery. Many people return to work within a few days. You will have minimal bruising and should return to your usual appearance within about a week. Follow all aftercare instructions to achieve your best results. 

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Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about an eyelid lift, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at The Langdon Center in Guilford, CT. Call us at 203-453-8625 or fill out our convenient online contact form.

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Dr. Robert Langdon

Dr. Robert Langdon, MD is a triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, and Facial Cosmetic Surgery. He specializes in advanced laser and low-impact procedures under local anesthesia, emphasizing quick recovery and low risks. With over 30 years of experience, he prioritizes personalized care and has authored significant publications, including a book on cosmetic laser surgery.

To know more about Dr. Robert Langdon, MD — Click Here

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